Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Playing Hooky

A few weeks ago, I found out about a wave pool at Bayou Segnette Park, across the river. I decided that I wanted to take Reilly, but the article I read about the place said that there is a line to get it on most days, since only 100 people are allowed in each day. I figured that if I waited until school started back up, we would have a better chance of getting in. So this past Friday, I kept Reilly home from school and we headed to the pool, along with our neighbor Holly and her daughter Elizabeth, who is 4 months older than Reilly,

I was right about waiting...we were the ONLY people there! Reilly and Elizabeth had a great time. They didn't spend much time in the wave pool, but there was a nice splash area for the little ones, and a bunch of sand that they had a blast digging in. It did rain for a little while, so Holly and I took cover under an awning, but the kids just kept playing in the sand...it didn't bother them at all! I will definitely be going back to this place!

Making sand angels

waiting out the rain

going down the slide

splishing and splashing


Andrea said...

I am so going next week!!! Thanks for the pics posted:)