Saturday, August 15, 2009

fun in the sun (and a new toy!)

This morning Reilly and I headed over to Woodlake for a birthday party. Our friend Kaleb is turning 3, and he had a swimming party. So after a meltdown because I would not let Reilly have a popsicle for breakfast (mean mommy!) we hopped in the car. Two minutes later, the skies opened up and it was POURING!!! But by the time we got to Kenner, it was sunny again. We had lots of fun splashing in the pool and playing with other friends who were there. Reilly had 2 hot dogs, more chips than I could count, and a "pupcake", and was a very happy little boy. Now I have a sunburn, but it's not too bad, I think I will live ;).

I got a new toy tonight too! Bobby and I are considering remodeling the kitchen so we went to Best Buy to look at appliances. While we were there, I was looking at cameras too. I had a little Canon digital that I liked, but it died a mysterious death recently. So Bobby bought me a much nicer camera, a Nikon D60. He had tried to talk me into getting a one a few years ago, but I said no because they are so big to carry around. But lately I have been seeing friends with similar cameras and the picture quality is just so much better, I decided to go for it! I can't wait to start playing with it tomorrow, once the battery is charged.