Thursday, August 13, 2009

Just call me Martha...

As in Martha Stewart! I have been super-domestic lately, which is very unusual for me! I have been cooking (almost) every night, been going on huge cleaning and organizing binges, and even working in the yard. Last night Bobby told Reilly that I must be sick and should call the doctor. Of course Reilly was all concerned about me then, asking "What's wrong Mama?". My sweet boy.

On a totally different topic...
I have to say that I am so proud of what a big boy Reilly is becoming. I've really been thinking about this a lot lately. He tries very hard to control himself, instead of having a fit when he doesn't get what he wants...all he needs is a little reminder from me and the whining usually stops. He always wants to help out around the house - too bad that won't last through his teenage years, I'm sure! And he is SO smart, it's scary! The child never forgets anything he is told. Makes me glad we put him in a school that I know will keep him challenged for many years! I think he is going to be our only one, so I better get it right with him!