Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Boys will be Boys

The other night, Reilly asked me if we could go outside and take a walk. Bobby was cooking dinner and Reilly was getting underfoot, so I agreed to take him out. For some reason, Reilly also insisted that we had to bring his wagon with us. Why? I have no idea, but he threw such a fit when I said no that I relented and let him bring it. (Hey, a mom's got to pick her battles!). As we were headed out, Bobby handed me the new camera and told me to take some pictures of Reilly. He didn't know it at the time, but that turned out to be a great idea!

There is a canal behind our house, and if you walk around the corner, there is access to it. Reilly likes to go see what is over there, so we headed in that direction. When we got there, there 2 boys already there. They looked to be about 12 years old, and they had fished a big turtle out of the canal. When Reilly saw that turtle, he was SO excited! We have 2 turtles in an aquarium in our house, but they are pretty small. This one was a lot bigger, and the boys were very nice and let Reilly look at it, put it in his wagon, and even hold it. They were very patient with him, and answered his millions of questions without getting annoyed. Thanks boys for being so nice!

After a while, the boys returned the turtle to the canal and rode off on their bikes. Reilly is still talking about that turtle 3 days later. What is it about boys and creatures???
I tried to put the pictures under the post, but I couldn't figure out how!!!