Wednesday, September 23, 2009


I am endlessly amused by the things that come out of my son's mouth. He makes me laugh a million times a day, usually completely by accident. Some recent favorites...

-A few weeks ago, I took him and his friend to Baskin-Robbins for ice cream. The other day while we were driving around, he asked me if we could go to Christopher Robin's for ice cream after dinner. Apparently we have been invited to visit the 100 Acre Wood...who knew?

-The other day, I had to borrow a jar of peanut butter from the neighbors because I couldn't find ours in all the renovation mess. The next day, Reilly asked his preschool director to come to the house. When Tim asked him what we would be having for dinner, Reilly told him "sandwiches from the neighbors house"

-While watching TV, Reilly saw a commercial for some dolls and asked if he could have them. I said that they were really intended for girls, and he told me that when he was a little girl, he had those dolls.

-This morning, Reilly was eating on my bed while I got ready. He got crumbs all over the place and I told him that he needed to figure out a way to clean it up. He walked out into the living room and I heard him say "hey, I've got a great idea!"...he came into the bedroom with a dustbuster. It WAS a great idea. Unfortunately, the dustbuster was not charged, so we had to resort to plan B, letting the dogs come in and clean it up.

-Reilly thinks that "underpants" is the funniest word on the planet and likes to use it whenever possible. His favorite way is to replace words to a sang with it. So yesterday on the way home from school, I heard "Twinkle, twinkle, little underpants. How I wonder what you underpants", etc. It actually is kind of funny, and he knows that he can't do it at school, only with mama, so I just let him do it.