Sunday, September 6, 2009

Football, anyone?

The past week was fairly uneventful. Reilly went to school, I tried to keep the house in some semblance of order, Bobby worked a lot. Just your average week around here. Now we are in day 2 of a 3 day weekend. Football season has started so Bobby is permanently glued to the television.

Speaking of football, we took Reilly to his first football game Friday night. He will be going to some Ole Miss games with Bobby this year, so it seemed like a St. Martin's game would be good practice for him. When we picked him up from school on Friday, he was all excited because the preschoolers had gotten to go to the school's "pepper rally" and he saw cheerleaders and the football team. So he was extra excited when we headed to the game. He was a little restless and wanted to run around in the bleachers, and was starting to get grumpy when we told him he couldn't. Then his friend Sofia and her mom Heather showed up, and he was all smiles. The 2 of them had a great time playing with their pompoms and watching the cheerleaders. I'm not sure how well he is going to do at the Ole Miss games, but hopefully a few more St. Martin's games will get him ready. I realized when we went to the game that we might be attending these games for the next 14 years if he stays at St. Martins until he graduates high school, which is our current plan. That's a lot of football games.