Thursday, March 19, 2009

Spring Fever

The last 2 days we have had the most beautiful weather - perfect for playing outside. Yesterday afternoon Bobby and I sat on the front porch and read while Reilly ran around the front yard. He has a lot of outdoor toys, but his current favorite seems to be his scooter, which he does pretty well on. Even more exciting, just this week he figured out how to ride his tricycle all by himself! He got the trike for his 2nd birthday but hasn't used it a whole lot until now. But all of a sudden...boom! he gets it and he is off, pedaling away and ringing the bell. He needs a little push to get going sometimes, but he gets better every time he rides...I'm so proud!
Today is Thursday, which has become my favorite day of the's the day the maids come! I took Reilly in the backyard to play while they cleaned. He had so much fun shooting baskets and playing with all the balls back there. But his favorite thing to play with was ...a stick! I don't know what it is about little boys and sticks, but he played with one for over half an hour. He also had fun just running in circles, getting the dogs to chase after him. I wish I was so easily amused!