Saturday, March 14, 2009

Cow Sticks and Keyokeyo

The last few weeks have been fairly uneventful. I am still slowly recovering from my foot surgery, Reilly has been going to school, and Bobby has been doing whatever it is that Bobby does all day...even after almost 8 years together, his job is still somewhat of a mystery to me. So not too much to write about, hence the lack of blog entries.

This morning Bobby decided that him and Reilly were going to brave the yucky rainy day and head over to Gonzales, where there is an outlet mall and a Cabellas. Reilly has been asking for a fishing pole, so that was the alleged point of the trip (even though we could just go to k-mart, but whatever). So off the boys went for a few hours. They did come home with a fishing pole, as well as new crocs for Reilly and 8 new pairs of pajamas. I had mentioned that Reilly needed new jammies for summer, as he has outgrown everything from last year. I didn't mean that he needed 8 pairs, but I guess he will be set for a while now, LOL.

They also came back with one of those horse head on a stick things...I'm not quite sure what the technical name for it is, but Reilly has been having fun galloping around on it. For some reason, he is calling it his cow stick, even though it makes horse noises and you ride it like a horse. But, a cow stick it shall be called.

Pinocchio was relesed on DVD this week. I already had the DVD, from last time it was released, but I don't think Reilly had ever watched it. Of course it has been advertised on TV every 5 minutes, so Reilly has been asking about it. I knew it was going to rain this afternoon, so I told him that we would watch it today. Right now, he is curled up on the couch watching "Keyokeyo" as he says, and seems to be enjoying it. I grew up on all these old Disney movies, so I love to see him watching them too.