Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Little Drama King

It must be incredibly rough to be 2 years old. You get to play all day long, all your meals are prepared for you, and you can nap every day. What? That doesn't sound rough? Reilly seems to think it's very hard.
We have had much drama from him lately...big yelling tantrums, complete with kicking and screaming and throwing things. It's so pleasant. I especially like it when he melts down first thing in the morning. He is a bear to get up (just like his mama, I will admit) and just wants to go back to sleep. This of course leads to the struggle to put clothes on him, followed by the struggle to put shoes on. I find myself creating all kinds of silly bribes and promises just to get him to cooperate. This morning it involved promising hours of play with Mr Potato Head when he gets home from school.
I know it's just part of the age, but it gets frustrating. You know what makes it all slip away though? When he crawls into my lap and says "Mommy, I want to snuggle".