Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Boo at the Zoo

Halloween has always been one of my favorite days of the year...I love the decorations, the costumes, and of course the candy ;). Having a little one in the house makes it even more fun, since he is so excited about it! So this past weekend we headed to Boo at the Zoo for a little pre-Halloween celebration.

We have attended this function every year, starting when Reilly was just 4 months old. Every year he has enjoyed it a little bit more as he is able to participate in more of the games and activities. This time, we made plans to meet up with Reilly's friend Kamron and his mom Mary so that the boys could have fun together.

The two of them had a blast! They played games, jumped in bouncers, rode the carousel, ate hot dogs, went through the haunted house and Trick-or-Treated. Reilly and Kamron always have a good time together and this was no exception!

Riding the carousel with Daddy

After getting his face painted

Pirate Reilly and Spiderman Kamron