Monday, February 23, 2009

I'm a slacker

OK, I have been slacking on my promise to myself to keep this blog updated. To be honest, there just hasn't been that much going on around here. Reilly spent most of the last few days at the parade with his Daddy. Since I am out of commission this Mardi Gras, I have spent all that time at home by myself (sniff, sniff). But I think they have both been having fun spending the extra time together, so that is the silver lining in all of this.
Tomorrow is Fat Tuesday. Every year on Mardi Gras day, Bobby and I would get up early and head uptown to watch Rex. We would go to the parade, then bring beads to his grandmother, who lived right off the parade route. We lost Gammy right after Reilly was born, but we still go watch the parade in the same spot, with the same people Bobby has been watching Rex with since he was a little boy. Now Reilly comes with us too, and I love that this is a family tradition we can pass on to him. So bright and early tomorrow, the two of them are going to head uptown and see Rex. I just wonder how I am going to explain to Reilly after tomorrow why there are no more parades???